Turn Your Hot Tub or Bathtub into a Healing Mineral Hot Springs.
Since the dawn of time, humans have traveled across the globe, searching for healing and relaxation in the warmth of Mother Nature’s hot springs.
Time-tested formulas for your hot tub.
Our mineral formulas have been proven over centuries and have healing benefits for aging joints, athletic recovery, and skin relief. They are 100% natural and safe for anyone to use in your hot tub at home. Medicine Springs Mineral Therapy mineral soaks are all-natural thermal treatments that emulate the world’s most well-known healing mineral springs.
Get Soaking Now
- Add (to) water: Simply add our pre-measured mineral packets directly to your hot tub, hit the jets and let them mix in.
- 90-day lifecycle: Add our pre-measured minerals to your hot tub for up to 90-days. If you are a more avid soaker, check out our booster packs here.
- Your Wellness Routine: Make our mineral soaks part of your overall wellness regiment
- Not just Epsom salt: Our mineral soaks are primarily transdermal minerals and are NOT just on the surface but are absorbed in your skin
- NO stink: We know traditional hot springs can have an unpleasant odor…we did some trickery to omit those unpleasant smells.
Medicine Springs delivers essential mineral-rich waters for long lasting benefits.
lower blood pressure
A 2012 study in Japan demonstrated that thermal treatments in hot springs reduced blood pressure in patients with chronic heart failure.
help with chronic pain
A 2014 study said that hot water immersion in minerals can block pain receptors in the body and positively affect your joints and muscles after a soak.
lImproved circulation
Studies have shown that hot water immersion in minerals can increase circulation and improve overall oxygen flow throughout the body.
better sleep
Ask anyone, and they will tell you they sleep better after soaking in a mineral-rich hot spring.
Reduce stress and anxiety
Daily soaking in minerals can help you relax and reduce stress. Many studies have shown that after two weeks of daily soaking, participants experienced a 60% reduction in stress-related health issues.
Circulate lactic acid
Have you got sore muscles? The minerals in traditional hot springs can reduce inflammation, relax tight muscles, and stimulate healing.
Trace mineral absorption
For many, poor diet and lifestyle choices can lead to mineral deficiencies in your body. Natural hot springs contain a host of minerals, such as chloride, lithium, potassium, and magnesium, to name a few. These minerals are absorbed in the skin (transdermal) and can provide various health benefits.

Medicine Springs is the only company in the world to “Harness the Geothermal Healing Powers of Mother Nature.” So naturally, we imagine you have some questions.

Don’t Take Our Word For It
Take a moment to soak up what people who have tried it say.
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