About Us

Our Story
Medicine Springs was created out of necessity for Brandon’s mom, who lives with painful arthritis and cannot close her hands. What began as a quest to bring his mom relief grew into the business, Medicine Springs.
Medicine Springs was created in 2012 by husband and wife duo Brandon and Julie Price. It was built out of necessity for Brandon’s mom, Brenda, who lives with painful arthritis and cannot close her hands. Many years ago, while on vacation, Brenda was sitting in a geothermal mineral hot spring and realized that the pain was gone and that she could close her hands! It was not a cure but provided a welcome relief. Excited about how natural mineral springs provided such relief, she mentioned that she wished she could enjoy the benefits of mineral springs in the convenience of her bathtub or hot tub.
As a former high school science teacher, Brandon got to work! What began as a quest to bring his mom relief grew into the business, Medicine Springs. Brandon and Julie started taking samples of the most healing natural hot springs around the world. They brought these samples home, removed the water, separated the compounds, isolated the reactions, and packaged them, allowing anyone to turn their bathtub or hot tub into a world-famous healing mineral spring.
From their research, they learned more about the history of hot springs and their healing properties. Until now, the power of Mother Nature’s hot springs had yet to be harnessed. Their research also indicated that varying compounds in hot springs provided relief for different health conditions. This information led them to create three “formulas”: Joint Formula, Sport Formula, and Skin Formula.
When Brandon and Julie started this journey, they did not originally intend to sell their products or build a world-renowned business. However, after giving their products away at a Race for the Cure and sharing them with several wounded warriors who saw results, they knew they needed to share their formulas with the public. Medicine Springs is the only company in the world to “Harness the Geothermal Healing Powers of Mother Nature.”

Sport Formula
was produced from mineral springs used by ancient human civilizations and warriors to recover their muscles from combat.

Skin Formula
was derived from healing waters known to relieve dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and acne.