The Medicine Springs Sport Formula was produced from hot springs in Yellowstone down through Central and South America. Historically, these springs were called “Warrior Pools” and were frequented by ancient Indigenous warriors to speed up recovery, relieve sore muscles, and promote healing.
This formula is high in transdermal magnesium and bicarbonates, resulting in a mineral cocktail that reduces muscle and joint inflammation, aids in circulation, flushes out lactic acid build-up, and gets you back out adventuring sooner!
What will this do to the chemistry of your hot tub?
Expect an increase in your PH for the first week or so. If your hot tub is perfectly balanced at 7, it will change to approximately 7.6–7.8. Changing PH is a typical result of the mineral reaction. Do not try to treat it away or lower the PH. Let the minerals do their thing. Soak and enjoy, then after about a week, the water will begin to return to your typical PH, and you can treat it as needed.
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